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sobota, 3 listopada 2012

The first and last

so... FIRST! ---> the weather is not good!!!
can't realize my plans...
29.400 likes on facebook ^^ I would like to thank everyone individually but it probably isn't possible :P  

Thank you all! once again for your support! 
You give me motivation!

it really change my life
Here's my new photography :) taken yewsterday

and the same photo in color

Night of horror movies!! with my manageress ^^ 
great! great! was great!! 
Malvina -> sorry that I took your ticket :P

I think I want to buy the whole H&M store.


Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing.

Sometimes it's hard, to follow your heart.
But tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are

These words have a great value for me! 
I follow this way



I'll try to give you some video soon :P

You can always follow me on my facebook site

1 komentarz:

  1. Dawaj więcej. B&W mi się bardziej podoba, o dziwo. :))
