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czwartek, 18 października 2012

Press rewind

I have a surprise for you! 
I want to give someone my T-shirt with Lord Guan photo ~!~
In December, I'll send my T-shirt to the winner
"Christmas gift from Lord Guan" :P
If you want to get it, you have to show me how much you want it ...Tell me something about Lord Guan work...send me your greetings etc.
If I hear something nice from your mouth, you will win :P
There are many opportunities (:

Send me a photo, video with your message... 
I am counting on your creativity!
Everyone has a chance to win
Send to:

or private messages on facebook

Here is my T-shirt! 


I have many ideas for new photography but the time is chasing me.

My computer is one big mess ... is full of forgotten images...
...with Olah 

and here is photo taken during the filming of "Set Fire to the Rain" 

If you want to see my portfolio I invite you to my page:

I'm sooo tired ... I just got back from a daily walk...

The best option for now: TV, sandwiches and coffee

Good Night all!
 Thank you for so many visits ^^ 


1 komentarz:

  1. heloł, jak już promujesz moje zdjęcie, to mnie podpisz, co? :PP
