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środa, 23 października 2013

Smell of my photographs...

A lot of things have changed .. I don't know when it all goes so fast ... a few more days and I will be 20-year-old man! it scares me! but realizes that this is just the beginning of my journey...

One day I'll stay dream...
and I will turn into real things...

I hate feeling when someone is hurt by me. It is like a scar that will never dissappear from my body... 

will always remind me about my mistakes... so stupid mistakes...

waiting for the first long weekend!  And I'm going home! 
need it!

Below you can see my last sketch, I'm an amateur.... and draw only for myself. I always have the same vision when I start drawing something... This has to be the face!!! However, my thoughts are not the result of what is on paper. there's always something different... and always at the end - my brain is still hungry/ thirsty... 

besides, I recently started a new photo project. 

"Show me this smell"
This is my subject... I have to take some photos :) and this time I will add something from myself!! in addition to the photograph I will show everyone in my class the smell of my photographs...

pictures soon! :) I will photograph the body that "breaks down". I know it isn't pleasant.

Here I am already preparing smell...  

and that's all :) 


niedziela, 6 października 2013


                        Welcome Wroclaw! 
awfully strange reality, the strange mentality of the people...
a long time I wasn't here... 
with time I will find myself.
Now I can countryside and here... 
everything here is a quick ...
Late at night, close my eyes and suddenly everything is gone.

I'm officially a student. 

and I can't hide that 20 years is no longer 15. Some things are gone and I can't go back to them... because some things just not proper to do it... I have a good example! I don't know when but  I no longer derive pleasure from watching cartoons! maybe you think it's a funny or just stupid... but when I was younger I always said that I will never be bored watching cartoons! I was surprised when my parents preferred to watch the news than a cartoon with me!it's strange! now, it's different but this is probably the right time, when in myself I understood that I'm no longer a kid .. I need to know that this is the right time to plan your future .. can't stand still in one place. 

I don't like this life!
 I don't like this uncertainty! 
I don't like my stupidity!
I don't like my naivety!
and my belief that everything that I could ever come back to me!

I have nothing interesting to show You. 

me and my photographer on one picture. use self-timer.

here's my flat... huge housekeeping! and Woodkid music in the background... Now those few days before learning the full, well-deserved relax!! 

        Thank's for all! TAKE CARE!!! :)